To purchase our products, you must be at least 18 years old and agree to use to products responsibly. Individuals under 18 are not allowed to place orders on behalf of others. We have the right to decline a sale if you are under 18 years old.

Our Tanning Solutions (Melanotan II or MT2) products are intended for research purposes only and should not be used for tanning or slimming. We are not responsible if you use them for such purposes. The buyer agrees that Tanning Solution products are for research purposes and laboratory use only and should not be used for in vitro diagnostic applications, incorporated into foods, drugs, medical devices, cosmetics, for commercial purposes, or any other applications not explicitly stated. We reserve the right to cancel a purchase if we suspect the products will be used for purposes other than research. All customers are assumed to be legal or licensed researchers. The inclusion of a material on our website does not grant a license for its use in violation of any patent.

The buyer is responsible for testing, using, manufacturing, and marketing the products in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The buyer is responsible for verifying the properties of the products and informing customers and supporting personnel of any potential risks associated with the products. The buyer acknowledges the risks associated with using the products. Our products are for research purposes only and should not be used for human consumption.

Galaxy Tan assumes no responsibility and cannot be held liable for any harm caused by any product if used for purposes other than research and laboratory use.

By purchasing our products, you confirm that you have read and agree to these Terms and Conditions, and the Terms of Service Conditions.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us via email at glxytan@outlook.com.