Galaxy Tan is your one stop shop for all indoor and outdoor tanning essentials.

We started after exploring the European market and the most sought out, reliable and popular indoor and outdoor tanning products unavailable readily in Australia.

After being let down by inconsistent, unreliable, unresponsive and poor quality suppliers here in Australia, we wanted to become the premium supplier in Australia to get all your indoor and outdoor tanning essentials in one shop.

All our products work hand in hand with each other allowing you to shop for all your tanning essentials in one shop from tannings peptides, to moisturising tanning lotions, to anti-ageing tanning vitamin shots. Tanning is not only about abut achieving your desired colour but also about maintaining and enhancing the condition of your skin inside and out.

We pride ourselves in our exclusive and high-quality products and customer services.

Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a newcomer to the wonderful world of indoor and outdoor tanning supplies, our customer service team is contactable 24/7 via email and will respond to all enquiries within 24 hours.


We searched high and low for the best quality and most popular and reliable international indoor and outdoor tanning essentials to allow you to fall in love with not only your tan but your skin also.

We’ve worked hard to make sure that you only receive top quality products, with the highest testing, and fresh supply. We care about our customers! Especially when it comes to health and safety. Because of this we guarantee you will receive premium, top-quality products. This ensures you receive potent, fresh products, rather than expired, dated or damages vials which may have been sitting on shelves for weeks, or months, or even years! Not only does this minimise health risks associated with administrating out-dated or sub-quality products, it also ensures you receive immediate, optimal results.

Our Melanotan peptide is the highest purity available (99.2%) straight from a renowned world-wide supplier. Any retailer promising a higher purity than this is misleading and are unaware of the manufacturing process.

So if you’re looking for a little bit of a sun-kissed glow to get you through those long summer nights, or long winter days than look no further! You will not find higher quality products from any other retailer!